Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

MAXCourage is fully committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) as we work with schools and community organizations to provide an inclusive platform for sixth grade students to express their unique individuality through their essays about courage in their lives. A vital aspect of MAXCourage is giving a voice to those who may not feel heard, and all our DEIB initiatives share an important connection with those voices.

MAXCourage publishes and honors the best courage essays each year to share these unique experiences, challenges, and success stories with families, educators, employees, board members, and benefactors so they can advocate for DEIB and a better future for our courageous students.

MAXCourage will sustain this commitment to DEIB by interweaving those values into our curriculum, our outreach projects, our staff training, our recruiting of representative boards, and especially soliciting and responding to feedback from the students, the teachers, and communities that we serve. We will continue to represent those who are underrepresented and to foster and nurture the courage of children in all walks of life, backgrounds, ethnicities, orientations, or traits otherwise undiscovered. MAXCourage is proud to play an ongoing critical role in these efforts.